Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Profoundly thought,
profoundly bought,
does emotions need great language,
or can we do without any strong damage…?

Everyone screams high.
Both internally and externally, is something nobody can deny.

Breaking of heart is a process.
Why you gave the permission of its breakage,
everyone fails to access.

Fulfilling of dreams,
takes ages after the first death.
Dreams of fulfillment,
makes us aged way before the final inhaled breath..

Emotions have many wings,
but still its flightless.
Emotions can be painted,
but still they are always colorless..

Profoundly thought,
Is an encouraging step.
Profoundly bought,
Brings emotions to their ultimate nest.

Unique wedding gift to my friend..:)


What a day it was,
What a night to be treasured.
What a person he was,
What a soul to have with pleasure..

A tall structure,
With few bones.
A sweet smile,
With naughtiness always present in his eyes.

Akshat is just the name,
Happiness is actually, which got him fame..
Kapoor is the surname,
To make it prosperous is his life’s aim..

Stories to tell,
Endless to talk.
Give him your ear,
And he’ll speak more than just a lot..

Everyone loves him,
Everyone adores him.
Affection is all he has,
Care is what he always gets back..

I wish him luck and love forever,
I wish him good health and high spirits forever.
Dear god, this sweet friend of mine,
Maybe blessed forever..

What a day it is,
What a night of celebration.
What a person he is,
What a soul to have with supreme gratification..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Ignorance is bliss"-- is it actually???

Since we were made to learn some world famous quotes,to use them in our english paragraph writings..i am aware of this one which says "SOMETIMES,IGNORANCE IS BLISS"...but nobody listed that "SOMETIMES"...

lately..have experienced that this quote works in ONLY those cases where the person for whom it is being used have enough brains to actually understand it...in other cases,its not at all a bliss..it turns into pain..
because once ignored,they re-approach...even when again and again ignored,they dont stop their re-approaching act..

i just fail to understand that, is there any kind of lack of education in these re-approaching acts or simply,there's a gap in what i was made to understand as our ethical values and they were made to understand their ethical values...
seems their diversity even in these basic values...but it is certainly sad to have this kind of diversity...

now i am totally zapped,wheather to take this quote as it says or should change it as per the situation demands...!!!