Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another lesson..

One more year gone by.One more date changed.One more time period of this's and that's finishes...and finally one more starts with same deeds...

vicious circle...things end,just to enable others to start..
but for me,this year..2009...was a tough one..everything was bizarre..everything was in the form of a mirror-image of what the plan what do you call it,the true image or reversed image..!! strange to even tag..

Of course,as always,even this year taught its prescribed lessons..

one such lesson was-TOLERATE TO AN EXTEND...
good,interesting thing to learn..applied at some places,showed positive results...hope the thing continues..positivity is great to have around..

But the context didn't specify,when to say--it's done,that's all or that's the final call..rather they were present as back questions,proving to find answers myself..
setting the limits or the standards is bit difficult,but standing on a firm stand,is highly essential..

so now,in 2010,have to set the standards,the limits and have to evaluate--how well could i answer these complicated back questions..:)