We are spoilt for choices,by choice,but a real small,almost insignificant percentage of us,at the end of the day choose the best.we rather have to end up compromising in one way or the other..
after this abstract start,you must be wondering,what am i talking about.well to bring in peace for your brain nerves,i am talking about choosing the combination of subjects,followed by choice of our careers we want to pursue in our life.
on this blue planet of ours,there is an endless list of subjects one can study from and further endless kinds of jobs one can perform.but choosing the best as per one's ability is yet another important job,which in India is performed as a team work by parents,neighbours,relatives.we in India are exposed to just fixed sets of course's to study and yet another set of career options.and one's who try and break through these sets of routine,conclude on either of the two extremes,top on the list,or at the bottom,almost tagged,wasted.
though educational system in India is under renewal process,but to achieve that sale of newness,freshness,practicality and freedom to choose and pursue as per one's ability and not as per one's mark sheet,is yet far away to reach.
strong sessions of counseling is required at the school level,so that children get to know their strong,positive and negative abilities and they can choose subjects which will enable them to reach and achieve what they actually want to.and in the next step,comprehensive open house sessions should be present to choose subjects before we enter the university.majority of children,still in this age of technology,are forced to follow set patterns of educational and career paths lay ed down by their parents or others who seem to call themselves well wishers of the child,expect the child himself.
and further this mistake is enhanced by the lack of information about the requirements of skills to pursue a course in a university.
though this is a vast,wide topic to be discussed upon,along with the presence of long chains of chain reactions,but the only sane conclusion comes out of it is,before you choose your path,grab gallons and tonnes of information,so that there's no scope of regression on your last day of last breadth.